
Take Hangzhou as your new Shanghai attraction

Traveling between Shanghai and Hangzhou is much easier than before after the high speed train is operated. Trains on the line will travel at an average speed of 350 kilometers per hour, shortening the trip between to 45 minutes from 78 minutes. Last weekend I experienced this high speed train between Hangzhou and Shanghai and was astonished by the high speed.I got G7327 which departed at Shanghai Hongqiao raiway station at 20:00 and arrived at Hangzhou railway station at 20:41.This is so amazing that it even shorter than taking a bus from home to work office in Hangzhou.

Inner of the train

Inner of the train

Different from normal train, You can buy the high speed train tickets from the self-service ticket machines which are easy to be found in the station. From the tickets machine, You can choose the train Number, destinations and number of tickets. After that, the machine will show you the total amount of the payment. You just need to put the paper cash into the money slip, the machine will put out the charge for you.

The price is 82RMB for second Class and131 RMB for first Class departing from Shanghai Hongqiao railway station while the price is 98RMB for second class and 156RMB for first class when depart from Shanghai railway station.

Self-service Ticket Machine

Self-service Ticket Machine

Self-service Ticket Machine Screen

Self-service Ticket Machine Screen

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