
Harbin Travel Recommended

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is one of world's four largest international ice festivals, along with Japan's Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada's Quebec Winter Carnival, and Norway's Ski     Festival. It starts annually on January 5 and lasts for over one month. During this period, people throughout the world take part in the various artist, cultural, athletic and tourist events. The 27th Harbin     International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival will start on January 5, 2011. It is a great winter festival and  if you are in China during this period, it really should not be missed.

Some famous attractions you must see in Harbin city are Harbin Central Avenue, Sun Island and Saint Sophia Church.

Harbin Central Avenue is initially established in 1898. It has been the most prosperous commercial hub in Harbin for one hundred years.The street is lined with a large number of western architecture and is dubbed as "a gallery of European architectural art".

Sun Island is located in the north side of Songhua River of Harbin .The island covers a total area of 3,800  hectares of leisure resources,including the interesting Siberian Tiger Park.In summer, the island serves as a natural river beach swimming resort and sanatorium area.While in wintertime, when the island is gracefully covered with snow, the Sun Island is used as the playground for various winter sports.Skiing, Hockey,Ice-skating, and sledding games are all organized here.More importantly, the renowned annual  Snow Carving Festival is held here.

Saint Sophia Church is the largest cathedral of Orthodox Church in Far-East Asia. It is 53.35 meters high  and covers a total area of 721 square meters.The graphic design of the church is a Latin Cross shape from east to west. The wall are all made of the high-quality red bricks and the top of the church is a dome  like the onion.

