
Ming Thirteen Tombs

For the people who has a great knowledge of China history,especially
the history of Ming Dynasty, this is a must visit. 13 of 16 of Ming
Dynasty's emperor were buried here with their mistress.

If you are closing to here,you will just see hills with some buildings
which were restored recently.Most of the reals had been destroyed by
red guard during the culture revolution.

Tomb is a tomb.Like pyramid in Egypt,the highlights are underground.
At present, only Dingling is excavated,you can go down stair about 7
to 8 floors to reach the basement, and explore the tomb to see
emperor's coffin,artifacts and the architecture style of the

the other highlight you must experience is the Sacred Road. It is a
long road lined with many animal giant stone statues.All the statue is
made in a whole huge stone.When you stroll along this road, you will
feel walking in the trance of a long-gone era.

Dingling is also open to tourist,but it has not been excavated yet.The
pillar in the hall is made by a huge nan mu, and many treasure was
exhibited there.If you are interested int the architecture and the
museum,it is worth visit.

