
White Pagoda Temple

White Pagoda TempleThe White Pagoda Temple is a symbol of old Beijing and it is one of the most famous structures in the city. It is located in the Western District of Beijing Municipality and it is at the crossroads of Fuchengmenmei Street and Zhaodengyu Road.

The White Pagoda Temple was completed under the supervision of a Nepalese architect and was considered as an aesthetic masterpiece. The White Pagoda Temple originally had the name of Temple of Great Holy Longevity and Eternal Peace. In 1457, the temple was renovated and renamed Miaoying Temple. It was refurbished many times during the Ming and Qing dynasties. However, the temple, except for the White Pagoda, was destroyed by fire in 1729. After Chinese liberation, the government took many measures to protect this important historical site. In 1961, the State Council listed it as a key national cultural heritage protection site.

The White Pagoda

The White Pagoda, standing over 50meters high, was built in 1271 during Kubai Khan’s reign in the Yuan dynasty. It is the largest pagoda from the Yuan dynasty(1271-1368) still in existence. It is the biggest and oldest preserved Tibetan Buddhist pagoda in China, which is one of two famous white pagodas in Tibetan style in Beijing. The other one stands in Yong’ansi in Beihai Park.

The White Pagoda is fifty one meters high like a gourd. The whole body was covered by chalkiness. Its upper part is a conic neck divided into three fragments. Its base is a three layered square with a height of nine meters. Thirty six copper bells hang to a tray, also made of copper, under the roof of the pagoda. They sound beautifully when wind blows onto them. There are many precious Buddhist cultural relics hidden inside the roof of the pagoda and are now displayed at the Temple. For example, there are scriptures written by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty. and the little carved Buddha figures.

Three are altogether three halls in the White Pagoda Temple. The first one is for exhibiting the history of the temple, as well as a display of several priceless Buddhist treasures that were discovered when the Pagoda was being renovated in 1978. The second hall is for an impressive display, also called the hall of 10,000 Buddhas. Although there are not actually 10,000 statues in the hall, there are over 7,000 of the them. Walking into the hall, the sight is breathtaking-the place is literally covered with Buddha statues on all four walls. Behind this hall is the Hall of Seven Buddhas, which is home to seven large Buddha statues, as opposed to the thousands of little ones. Behind it is the White Pagoda itself.

However, it mainly functioned as the imperial temple in the Yuan dynasty. The governor then stipulated that all the important ceremonies should be rehearsed here three days ahead of the actual ritual. The sacrificial ceremony of Kublai Khan was also held here when he died. which proves the importance of this temple. in the later days of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), this temple became one of the most renowned spots for temple fairs, which formed the popular saying: August eighth, white pagoda walks”. There was also a custom, on the lunar October 25.(the anniversary date of the completion of the pagoda) in every year, many lamas walked around the circle of the pagoda, lauding the scriptures and playing music. Many devout people prayed for blessings around the pagoda. Temple fairs in the White Pagoda Temple ceased after the 1950s.

Author: AmoyTrip.com--White Pagoda Temple
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