
Trekking in Nepal

December 8, 2013 9:16 pm

Trekking in Nepal

Original article from AmoyTrip--Let's make travel easy!

If you have the time and energy to trek, don’t miss the opportunity to leave Kathmandu and see the spectacular beauty and the unique culture of Nepal. Trekking in Nepal will take you through a country that has captured the imagination of mountaineers and explorers for more than 100 years. You will meet people in remote mountain villages whose lifestyle has not changed in generations. Annually, more than 200,000 tourists come here to trek. You will experience superb panoramic views of mountains, a diversity of landscape, flora and fauna, colorful cultures, friendly people and ancient history.

Trekking Nepal

Trekking Nepal

On beaten trails or virgin tracks, Nepal is a trekker’s paradise. Trekking is a wonderful way to explore and make meaningful contact with the country. On average, trekking consists of walking daily 5 to 7 hours, 9 to 14 kilometres on a series of ascents and descents. The immense contrasts in altitude and climates found here, support an equally spectacular mix of lifestyle and wildlife.

You can choose between individual trekking and group trekking. When trekking independently with just a guide for company you are often able to reach more remote parts that are unequipped to deal with large numbers.

You can also choose between “Tea House Trekking” and “Camping Trekking”.

Tea House Trekking
You stop each night to eat and sleep at a local tea house. Meals depend on the menu at the tea house, usually the simple basic meals of the local people, although there are sometimes other restaurants around. Although many tea houses and hotels in the hills and mountains are reasonably comfortable, standards can vary. The benefit of tea house trekking is that you will always have a warm and reasonably comfortable place to sleep and more importantly you will meet and experience the real life of the rural people.

Camping Trekking
All the trekking gear – sleeping tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, kitchen tents, cooking gear and toilet tents – are provided, along with all necessary support staff. All land transportation, local permits, taxes, porter insurance, port dues, and entrance fees to National Parks or sites constituting an integral part of the trip are arranged. Depending on the area, provisions are based either on fresh local food or a combination of local and imported ingredients.

Comping Trekking in Nepal

Comping Trekking in Nepal

